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How to Prevent Neck Pain While Sitting at Your Computer Desk

Written By Summerside Chiropractic Clinic on April 26, 2021

Reduce Neck PainMore people than ever are working from home. With 41 percent of Americans and over half of all teams working remotely, people are making more offices out of living rooms than ever before.

But they’re also sitting more—and prolonged sitting causes neck pain, which is the fourth most common cause of disability. At its best, neck pain can ruin your productivity and sour your workday. At its worst, it can turn into chronic pain.

Even if your job requires prolonged sitting, there are ways to reduce neck pain at work.

How to Reduce Neck Pain at Work

While chiropractors can treat neck pain, there are habits you can build now to prevent it from the start. These habits apply to posture, ergonomics, and cell phone use.

Adjust Posture and Change Position

Proper posture in general reduces neck pain in your daily life. While sitting, do not slouch. Keep your back straight, knees bent, and head centered. A constant “neutral spine” position prevents stretched ligaments and pain.

Stand with your chin up and feet slightly less than shoulder-width apart. Don’t wear heels, lock your knees, or stand for long periods of time.

Ideally, when you’re tucking in for the night, you should lie on your back. Avoid lying on your stomach for too long. If you switch to your side, place a pillow between your knees to preserve the natural curve of your spine.

Whatever your posture, change position often by alternate between sitting, standing, and walking. Doing so will increase blood flow and prevent injury.

Create an Ergonomic Home Office

An ergonomic home office setup is critical to minimizing fatigue, discomfort, injury, and emotional stress. Start with the right chair. The backrest, armrests, seat bottom, and height should always allow a neutral spine position. Adjust your computer monitor to the correct distance, brightness, and height to avoid awkward neck craning. Arrange the rest of your workstation to optimize your health.

Limit Cell Phone Use

Phones can easily suck you in, and you might find yourself spending large chunks of time on it. However, phone users tend to bend their necks down, which is harmful. Monitor your phone time to avoid unnecessary strains on discs and joints.

Reduce Neck Pain with Chiropractic Treatment

If, after implementing these habits, you still experience neck pain for more than 48 hours, you should find chiropractic care. Studies show that chiropractic care is most effective in treating neck pain. Long-term, it’s even more effective than medication. Our doctors at Summerside Chiropractic have decades of experience and have collectively treated over half a million patients.

For more information on our chiropractic services or to schedule an appointment, contact Summerside Chiropractic at (780) 705-0991 

Posted In: Chiropractic Neck Pain Workplace Ergonomics