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Aerobic exercise helps your brain too!

Written By Summerside Chiropractic Clinic on January 6, 2020

"Great article and there’s a really really important word embedded in there that bears repeating.  It’s the phrase, “MOST days of the week.”  Many studies show that you get DOUBLE the exercise benefit when you increase the frequency of exercise from 3 times per week to 4 times per week.  Typically these studies define exercise as 60% your max heart rate for at least 20 mins.  Check with your health care practitioner to make sure its safe to do that of course but sometimes articles are so worried about liability they don’t want to nudge people into a zone effort that will actually help people.  Get advice, start slow but most importantly get the 4 times per week in even its just a brisk walk to start out!" 

Article: Aerobic exercise helps your brain too, says study:
~Dr. Darrell

WellnessDoc Blog



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Posted In: Dr. Darrell's Blog