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Stability & Sport Exercise of the week #3: Bird Dog

Written By Summerside Chiropractic Clinic on July 25, 2023

Exercise of the week copy
Stability & Sport Exercise of the week #3: Bird Dog
Patients and practice members of mine will be familiar with this one!  I provide this exercise for most folks as an overall core stability exercise.  Its the Bird Dog exercise with a critical twist.  There’s a foam roller placed on the small of the back while you do it.  This activates the postural/balance sensors in the spine (the goal is to not allow the roll to fall off).  Its this activation and subsequent education of these fibres that is critical.  There is no real “exercise” per se here; its all about balancing the core to keep that foam roll on your back while performing the bird dog movement.  
The reason I am such a proponent of this exercise is that I find it reduces the amount of maintenance care patients need for chronic rib and low back problems.  I’ve had literally hundred of patients that went from needing an appointment every week of two to needing only 1 appointment every MONTH or two to keep a chronic condition under control.  Instead of always being focussed on a problem we are trying to stay away from (maintenance care) we can talk about striving for higher health goals (wellness care)!   
Less Bad to Good talk and more Good to Great talk… all from an exercise!
~Dr. Darrell
3 Pillars of Anti Aging Exercise
July’s Monthly Topic —> Stability & Sport

Posted In: Wellness Chiropractic Dr. Darrell's Blog Fitness Natural Pain Relief Low Back Pain Sports Injuries