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Strength Exercise of the week #2: Pull Ups/Chin Ups

Written By Summerside Chiropractic Clinic on June 19, 2023

pull uos



Pull Ups and Chin Ups both target lots of muscle groups.  Its a great basic movement that is intuitive and challenging with many advanced variations. You will be strengthening your trapezius to give you that V shape to your back, shoulder muscles, biceps, and even abdominal muscles! 💪
Pull Ups (wide grip, palms facing away from you) are considered more difficult than chin ups (narrow grip, palms toward you).  If you’re having difficulty doing even one, place a box under your bar at first and let your legs use it to help or you can use the cable machine at a gym.  Do as many as you can, then later in your workout or later in the day try again.  
I love this move because its easy technique wise for people, it hits major groups of muscles that we want strong when we are older.
~Dr. Darrell
3 Pillars of Anti Aging Exercise
June’s Monthly Topic —> Strength Training


Posted In: Chiropractic Dr. Darrell's Blog Fitness