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Upper body Exercises ~ Weekly Q & A

Written By Summerside Chiropractic Clinic on March 27, 2024

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I've got a few favourite upper body exercises that target large muscle groups that mimic movements that are really handy as we get older.  Let’s pair them with activities of daily living!

1. Pull ups or pull downs (using a cable machine).  All you need is a bar if you can pull up your body weight, if you can’t then you’ll have to start with a cable machine.  Its great for those huge back muscles called latissimus dorsi.  Think reaching up to pull your luggage down from the overhead compartment!

2. Bench Press. It’s a classic exercise that targets the pecs of course.  Can do a push up or the many variations of a push up such as spider man push ups to add some stability.  Think pushing open heavy doors.

3.  Farmer Carry.  It’s a very functional exercise in that it trains your ability to carry heavy.  Think, late for a flight and you’re carrying your rolling suitcase fast!

4. Barbell Row.  This one that requires careful technique so that you don’t tweak your low back. Practicing that stabilizing motion though will help train that posture for when you’re pulling those heavy suitcases off the luggage belt!  There lots of great you tube videos of doing it properly or you can ask Kailey or me to demonstrate.  

That's our last post for Muscle March.  I really hope I’ve convinced a few of you to take action now so that your function is better in the future.  As my father used to say,  the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago,  the next best time is NOW!

Warmest Regards,  

~Dr. D


March 2024 - Weekly Q & A

WellnessDoc Blog: Your Path to Wellness


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Posted In: Wellness Health Tips Dr. Darrell's Blog Fitness Spine Health Weekly Q & A with Dr. Darrell