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The Benefits of Chiropractic Teen Sports Injury Treatment in Edmonton

Written By Summerside Chiropractic Clinic on April 16, 2020

Sports Injury TreatmentSoccer and floor hockey are popular teen sports in Edmonton. 

As fun as these sports are, injuries such as sprains (ankle, knee, calf, and hamstring), contusions, and back strain aren’t uncommon. 

Thankfully, your Edmonton chiropractor can provide teen sports injury treatment that will not only reduce pain but also improve performance. 

Teen Sports Injury Treatment – How Your Edmonton Chiropractor Can Help 

Whether your child plays contact sports or not, there’s always a risk for injury. However, this doesn’t mean that teens should avoid playing sports. After all, sports provide much needed physical activity, can improve hand-eye coordination and critical thinking skills, and teach kids how to work well with others.

Instead of giving up on sports, parents and their teen athletes should have their Edmonton chiropractor on the child’s healthcare team. 

A chiropractor can be just as important as a dentist and general practitioner. Chiropractic teen sports injury treatment is a safe, effective, non-invasive way to treat these injuries. 

An Ounce of Prevention

In addition to being a source of healing and pain relief, your teen’s chiropractic team can also help athletes prevent injuries. 

When your teen’s skeletal structure is out of alignment, the muscles, tendons, and ligaments are put under unnecessary strain. This can result in muscle spasms, pinched nerves, and inflammation – all of which can cause pain. 

In addition to pain, being out of alignment can make your child more susceptible to injuries. Gentle chiropractic adjustments will put the spine, muscles, tendons, and ligaments in proper alignment, thereby preventing injuries. 

Optimize Your Teen’s Game

Another benefit of chiropractic treatment is that it promotes good blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow. Both the CSF and blood carry nutrients to the muscles and organs, keeping them healthy and in good working order. 

Good flow also carries away toxins. If these build up in the body, they can lead to low energy and immune health, both of which can adversely impact athletic performance. 

Not Just for Parents – Chiropractic Is for the Whole Family

Most people think only athletes can benefit from chiropractic treatments. The truth is, though, that every member of the family can benefit from proper spinal alignment. Correcting misalignment can keep the body functioning optimally – something that’s important no matter what your age. 

For more information on our chiropractic services or to schedule an appointment, contact Summerside Chiropractic at (780) 705-0991 

Posted In: Chiropractic Sports Injuries